د. نرمين الحوطي

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Many thanks to "my paper" Kuwait Times for its Kindness to reflect Kuwaiti women''''''''s role in all scientific, practical and cultural fields.

‘Women in Ismail Abdullah Theater’: A literary insight By Dr Nermin Al-Houti On the occasion of holding the Cairo International Book Fair from ..

How victims of Assad’s narco state ended up seeking help in Britain

The Times and The Sunday ..

Writer calls for further attention to women’s issues at Kuwait’s theater

Houti laments lack of ‘perfect text’ to adopt women’s issues CAIRO: Kuwaiti writer Nermeen Al-Houti speaks during a seminar at Cairo International ..

Victim and Attacker

The punishment should be strict enough to set an exampleThe statement “in case of fights, both victim and attacker will be deported if they are expatriates” issued by the Interior Ministry has many meanings summarized in one sentence. I ..

Kuwait Festival for Arab Youth Theater

The theater that combines sadness with joy personifies the reality of a human being and the emotions that he carries, which means theater and reality are two sides of a coin, due to what it simulates from human reality. The start of last week marke ..

Lt General Mohammad Al-Yousuf Al-Sabah to retire after 39 years in service of Kuwait

Lt General Sheikh Mohammad Al-Yousuf KUWAIT: Lt General Sheikh Mohammad Al-Yousuf Al-Sabah is a senior Interior Ministry official who committed himself since ..